Inverter efficiency
From PhotoVoltaic Logger new generation
By efficiency, we are really saying, what percentage of the power that goes into the inverter comes out as usable AC current (nothing is ever 100% efficient, there will always be some losses in the system).
This efficiency figure will vary according to how much power is being used at the time, with the efficiency generally being greater when more power is used. --
The Inverter efficiency is calculated by:
For this we need the special grouping channel type: Ratio
- The Ratio calculator would return in the required channel combination values between 0..1
To get readout values as percentage (0..100), set factor to 100. - The valid range 0..100 avoid values values over 100%, which is possible by inaccurate readings.
So the result will be aligned into the range.
Please note:
- The performance ratio model accepts only exact 2 sub channels for correct operation!
Channel tree
Please mind the correct order of child channels as described above:
Charting hint
If you want to have a more detailed result for efficiency, set the valid from attribute for example to 95:
Here you can see, that the efficiency (black dashed) is after noon about 97%!
All values below 95% are "raised" to 95%, so just ignore them until 8:00...