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A model implements the direct interface to the database.

They are PHP classes below core/Channel directory.

There are in general 4 different model types:

Model hierarchy


General characteristics

A model implements in their sources the following characteristics and interface methods.


  • All direct and proxy channels are readable to query their readings.
  • All grouping models are readable (except multi sensors like SMA Webbox or JSON)

(This attribute is held redundant in database for better performance on feature requests.)


  • All direct channels are writable to store readings.
  • No grouping model is writable (except multi sensors like SMA Webbox or JSON)

(This attribute is held redundant in database for better performance on feature requests.)


Child count Description
0 No child channels allowed, almost a direct model
1 Exact 1 child channel allowed, almost a proxy model
2..n Exact 2..n child channel allowed, almost a special calculating model
-1 Unlimited child channels allowed, almost a grouping model which uses the data of all of its child channels


Define, if the channel based of this model is usable in charts view. Not all readable models are usable, especially all the models for external services.

Grouping models

Grouping models delegate all data access during storing or readout to their sub channels.

Read only models

These models perform calculations of any kind.

These models implements an interface for external services to provide data in special formats:

Writable, not readable models

These models act like Multi sensors. They have concrete childs channels, which held the measuring data. The measuring data will provided to these models and distributed to their child channels.

Special models

These models perform mostly internal calculations not based on real measuring data.

Pages in category "Model"

The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.