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API r2

From PhotoVoltaic Logger new generation

Revision as of 17:30, 28 September 2014 by KKoPV (talk | contribs)
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   "ANY /api/r2/help": {
       "since": "v1",
       "description": "This help, overview of valid calls"
   "GET /api/r2/:guid": {
       "since": "v2",
       "description": "Fetch attributes"
   "GET /api/r2/:guid/:attribute": {
       "since": "v2",
       "description": "Fetch single channel attribute"
   "GET /api/r2/attributes/:guid(/:attribute)": {
       "since": "v2",
       "description": "Fetch all channel attributes or specific channel attribute"
   "PUT /api/r2/data/:guid": {
       "since": "v2",
       "description": "Save a reading value",
       "payload": "{\"data\":\"<value>\"}"
   "DELETE /api/r2/data/:guid/:timestamp": {
       "since": "v2",
       "description": "Delete a reading value"
   "GET /api/r2/data/:guid(/:p1(/:p2))": {
       "since": "v2",
       "description": "Read reading values",
       "parameters": {
           "start": {
               "description": "Start timestamp for readout, default today 00:00",
               "value": [
                   "YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss",
                   "seconds since 1970",
                   "relative from now, see"
           "end": {
               "description": "End timestamp for readout, default today midnight",
               "value": [
                   "YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss",
                   "seconds since 1970",
                   "relative from now, see"
           "period": {
               "description": "Aggregation period, default none",
               "value": [
           "attributes": {
               "description": "Return channel attributes as 1st line",
               "value": [
           "full": {
               "description": "Return all data, not only timestamp and value",
               "value": [
           "short": {
               "description": "Return data as array, not object",
               "value": [
   "PUT /api/r2/csv/:guid": {
       "since": "v2",
       "description": "Save multiple reading values",
       "payload": {
           "<timestamp>;<value>": "Semicolon separated timestamp and value data rows",
           "<date time>;<value>": "Semicolon separated date time and value data rows",