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Revision as of 17:43, 28 September 2014 by KKoPV (talk | contribs) (Backup with API)
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Database backup

A full database backup is quite simple.

# mysqldump -u [username] -p[password] -h [host] [databaseName] >PVLng-$(date +"Y-m-d").sql

It just dumps all data into a date stamped SQL file.

Backup with API

If you are interested in CSV/TSV data as backup, you can do this by requesting all data for a channel via the API

# GUID=your_GUID_here
# wget -O PVLng-$GUID-$(date +"Y-m-d").csv$GUID.csv?start=0&full=1
  • start=0 - all data since 1970...
  • full=1  - extract also the readable date+time column

As script:


### Configure these 3 parameters:
host=""   # WITH http://
apikey="..."                     # required for private channels
# destination=/backup/PVLng/$(date +"Y-m-d")

### Let's go
test -d "$destination" || mkdir -p "$destination"

echo $(date) Start backup ...


### Read all real channels, but WITHOUT RANDOM channels
wget -qO - $host/api/latest/channels.csv | grep -v "RANDOM " | \
while read id GUID name dummy; do
  ### remove text delimiters
  name=$(echo "$name" | sed -e '~"~~g')

  echo -n "$(date) $GUID - $name ... "
  wget -q --header="X-PVLng-Key: $apikey" -O $destination/$GUID-$(date +"Y-m-d").csv $host/api/latest/data/$GUID.csv?start=0&full=1
  echo Done.

echo $(date) Finished.