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Revision as of 12:18, 7 July 2015 by KKoPV (talk | contribs) (vzlogger compatibility)
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To change system configuration, you can change everything in config/config.php.

These settings will overwrite the default settings from config/config.default.php.

NEVER edit config/config.default.php!


The web frontend templates resides at frontend/View

If you like to change a template

  • Create a folder custom in the directory, where the template resides
  • Copy the template into the custom folder
  • Modify the template in custom folder, this will overwrite the standard template

The internal search logic for the to be used template is this (assume this requested template: default.header.tpl)

Search these directories

  • frontend/View/{module}/custom
  • frontend/View/{module}
  • frontend/View/custom
  • frontend/View

Found template here: frontend/View/default.header.tpl

The {module} stands here for the actual web frontend module (can be found in the URL in your browser). (Therefor it would be possible to have e.g. an own footer for each module, if you like :-)

The custom sub directories are not delivered with Git repository, you have to create them if required. These directories will be ignored on update (excluded via .gitignore)

Predefined HTML output hooks

To inject your own HTML into the output, 5 hooks are available by default (from v2.9.0)

frontend/View/hook.head.tpl Injected just before </head> tag
frontend/View/hook.body.before.tpl Injected before header inside content wrapper
frontend/View/hook.content.before.tpl Injected between header & menu and page content
frontend/View/hook.content.after.tpl Injected between page content and footer
frontend/View/hook.body.after.tpl Injected after footer inside content wrapper
frontend/View/hook.end.tpl Injected just before </body> tag

To inject your own styles or scripts, these 2 hooks are available.


To enable such a hook, the logic is the same as for other templates

# test -d frontend/View/custom || mkdir -p frontend/View/custom
# cp frontend/View/hook.head.tpl frontend/View/custom/hook.head.tpl

Adjust now the file contents in custom directory.


Prepend/append code

  • If an file prepend.php exists, it will be included before any other PHP instructions.
  • If an file append.php exists, it will be included after all other PHP instructions.

This works for the web frontend and for API (from r3), see prepend.php.dist and api/r3/prepend.php.dist for reference. (I use this for defining the application name for NewRelic monitoring.)

Custom API routes

For API since r3 you can define your own routes in routes/custom.php.

The API is based on the Slim framework.

See routes/custom.php.dist for reference and refer to the other route definitions in routes/*.php for middleware helper functions and help.

vzlogger compatibility

PVLng can direct act as middleware for vzlogger.

Original vzlogger request is


as described in vzlogger API reference. So just change your vzlogger configurations from

"middleware" : "http://localhost/middleware.php",


"middleware" : "http://localhost/api/latest",

The coding is prepared in routes/custom.php.dist, copy to routes/custom.php and uncomment the relevant coding:

$api->post( ...

There will be no conflict with PVLng data storage logic, because PVLng uses PUT requests for that.

Please keep in mind, that there will be by design NO security against unwanted postings like PVLng implements with the API key concept!