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Run scripts more than once per minute

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If you run the scripts by cron, the most often frequency is once per minute.

PVLng offers a wrapper script to run commands or other scripts more than once per minute.

# ./ -h

Run command each given period (in seconds) for 1 minute.
Use in cron with period * for each minute.

usage: ./ [options] -- script arg1 arg2 ...

    -p, --period             Run each ? seconds for 1 minute (runs by default once) [default:60]
    -n, --nice               Niceness range from -20 (most favorable) to 19 (least favorable) [default:10]
    -t, --test               Test mode, set verbosity to info level [flag]
    -v, --verbose            Verbosity, use multiple times for higher level [flag]
    -h, --help               This usage help

Don't miss the -- !

Don't forget to divide the real script name and its parameters with the "--"

I monitor my power consumption and my SMA inverters with the following cron tab entries:

# Fetch plant data each 30s, run mostly during daylight times mostly
*    4-22    *   *   *   ~/ -p 30 -- ~/SMA/ -s Inverters.conf
*    4-22    *   *   *   ~/ -p 30 -- ~/SMA/ -s Sensorbox.conf

# Fetch consumption data each 15s 
*       *    *   *   *   ~/ -p 15 -- ~/S0/ -s Consumption.conf

If you run the wrapper script in verbose test mode, it will show you only what will happen:

#  ~/ -tvp 30 -- ~/SMA/ -s Inverters.conf
[19:58:02.550] Period : 30
[19:58:02.554] Command: ~/PVLng-scripts/SMA/ -s Inverters.conf
[19:58:02.559] Run, 1 left ...
[19:58:02.563] Test mode ...
[19:58:32.572] Run, 0 left ...
[19:58:32.576] Test mode ...

For more accuracy the wrapper script will spawn the concrete command into background, so it have not to wait for it.