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Dashboard module

From PhotoVoltaic Logger new generation

Revision as of 14:16, 3 March 2014 by KKoPV (talk | contribs) (Preparation)
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Define your dashboard using Dashboard channels.


You could also direct use "real" channels, but specialized dashboard channels have some advantages:

  • Definition of axis start and end point, no auto detection
  • Definable color bands on the axis

Channel definition

Define to color bands for the gauges like this.

start > end : color
  • For start and end absolute or relative (with % suffix) values allowed, also mixed
  • If start is not given, begins from axis starts
  • If end is not given, ends on axis end
  • Colors can be defined as HTML color names (green, red etc.) or HTML color codes (#123456)

E.g. for a temperature channel (with axis range -30°C ... 30°C) the following are equivalent (spaces not required):

   >  0 : blue         ==       -30 > 50%  : #0000FF
0  > 20 : green        ==       50% > 20   : #008000
20 >    : red          ==       20  > 100% : #FF0000


   >  0 : #FBB  // below zero
 0 > 35 : #BFB  // ok 0 ... 35°C
35 > 40 : #FFB  // warning 35°C ... 40°C
40 >    : #FBB  // critical above 40°C

Advanced usage

You can embed the dashboard also anywhere else, for example via iframe.

For this view, no authorization is required!

To get the embedded view, just use

You can this also use to run PVLng on an info frame, just open this in full screen!