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Grouping models

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Grouping models delegate all data access during storing or readout to their sub channels.


Generic model for logical grouping purposes only.

Read only models

These models perform calculations of any kind.


An accumulator model accepts only childs of the same channel type.

It sums up all data from the sub channels for the same timestamp, adjusted at full minute.

It is used for example to combine all single string powers (PDC*) into one PDC


This model is similar to the Accumulator, but it ignores missing readings and use the data from the remaining channel.


Average calculates the average of all child channels for the same timestamp, rounded to full minute.

It ignores timestamps, where at least one child channel have no data set for this timestamp.

Common use is the average of relative power data for different sources. (Average data example)


An differentiator model accepts only childs of the same channel type.

It subtract from the 1st sub channel all data of sub channels 2..n for the same timestamp, adjusted to full minute.

It skips all timestamps, where at least one reading is missing.

It is used for example to calculate the difference between temperatures.


This model is similar to the Differentiator, but it ignores missing readings and handle them as 0 (zero).

This is used for example a power balance, which can be negative.

Refer to the energy import example for more details.


Internal consumption refers to the amount of PV energy consumed where it is generated.
Therefore the internal consumption rate equals the portion of the total PV energy generated that is used for internal consumption. -- SMA

This channel type requires exact 2 sub channels with:

  • 1st child channel: Power consumption meter
  • 2nd child channel: Power production meter

The model checks the difference between consumption and production and works as this:

  • If the Consumption is higher than production => full or partly energy import
  • If the production is higher than consumption => no energy import, partly energy export

See the Energy import example for proper channels and charts definition.


This model accept only 2 channels and simply multiply the data from 1st and 2nd channel.

The channels have to be sensor channels and can have different units.


A ratio model calculates a ratio between exact 2 sub channels.

It skips all timestamps, where one reading is missing, adjusted to full minute.

It is used for example to calculate a inverter efficiency by using the PAC and the (summarized) PDC.

The calculated result will have values 0..1

To use the channel for charts, set the factor attribute to 100 to move the result into range 0..100

See also this example.


Special readout models

These models implements an interface for external services to provide data in special formats:




Writable, not readable models

These models act like Multi sensors. They have concrete childs channels, which held the measuring data. The measuring data will provided to these models and distributed to their child channels.



This model can be used for equipments, which directly deliver JSON data. To identify the element in JSON, describe the path to this element, see Wunderground example.


This is a special model to split SMA Webbox RPC content into single channel values.

This model is in contrast to other grouping models writable but not readable!

See SMA Webbox example for setup.


ToDo - NOT YET implemented

Kaco 1

The Kaco inverter with a RS‑232 interface provide a semicolon separated string with the operating data:

Date;Time;Operating mode;Generator voltage;Generator current;Generator power;Mains voltage;Mains current;Feed-in power;Temperature

Define the inverter with sub channels as this:

  • Date and time will be ignored
  • Fill the channel attribute for a sub channel with the Id (zero based) of the value Id.
    For example, the "Generator power" is the 6th value and must have therefor channel Id 5.

Kaco 2

The Kaco inverter with a RS‑485 interface provide a semicolon separated string with the operating data.

Inverter Id;Operating mode;Generator voltage;Generator current;Generator power;Mains voltage;Mains current;Feed-in power;Temperature;Diurnal energy;Inverter type;Check sum

The inverter Id here must be defined as the serial number in the definition of the inverter!

The channel definition is the same as for Kaco 1.

For example, the "Generator power" is here the 5th value and must have therefor Id 4